Bristol News

Finance forces mothers back to work weeks after childbirth

Women are rushing back to work just weeks after giving birth simply because they could not afford to be off.

In fact, eight out of ten new mothers admitted to heading back to work because they were ‘desperate’ for money.

Just one in five returned to work quickly because they loved their job.

A ten per cent of new mums queried for the research by Philips AVENT, went back to work within ten weeks of giving birth.

But childcare remains an issue, with 43 per cent of mothers unable to afford it.

A total of 46 per cent relied on their mothers to care for their child while they worked.

With childcare costs averaging £4,280 a year, four in ten mothers found it was not even financially worth the return to work.

Spokesperson for Philips AVENT, Deneice Harwin said: ‘”Our research shows that balancing work and family is still a great challenge for most women. Having a good network of family and friends as well as flexible working hours can certainly make the difference and help them find the right balance.”

But mothers are also looking for less stressful and demanding jobs, with some opting for a different part time job and seven per cent going freelance.

Philips AVENT are working with Sue Hayward, to provide tips and advice for struggling mothers in a new video, Balancing Work & Your Family Finances, available on You Tube at