Bristol News

Broadmead Toy Shop To Close In New Year

The Entertainer closure is likely to result in job losses

A popular toy shop in Broadmead will be closing down in the new year.

The Entertainer, on the top floor of The Galleries, will be closing in early January 2024.

The store’s closure will likely result in job losses.

The Entertainer in The Galleries to close in the new year

It’s the second large store on the top floor of the complex to be closing their doors. Damaged Society is also closing down, gradually relocating to Cabot Circus.

The closure of The Galleries branch will still see its Cabot Circus store remain open and trading.

The Entertainer has been a fixture in The Galleries for a long time, although the future of all stores in The Galleries remains unknown with the long-term redevelopment of the site.

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