Bristol NewsDoctor Who Bristol Filming

David Tennant Doctor Who Filming in Bristol – First Day

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The excitement amongst Doctor Who fans in Bristol has been growing this week, culminating with bustling crowds by lunchtime, eager to spot David Tennant filming in the city centre today.

We went along to watch from 8.30am until around 12.30pm, by which time temperatures in the sun were beginning to soar. A gaggle of onlookers swelled to crowds, as they waited for a glimpse of much-loved Tenth Doctor David Tennant making an appearance. They weren’t disappointed. Due to the chosen location for filming, they were afforded a three-way opportunity to view a scene of street chaos being painstakingly put together with take after take.

We came away with some of the most appalling grainy images and videos, which didn’t really matter. Getting the chance to see David Tennant as some iteration of The Doctor was a blast.

Photos below2 of the first morning of shooting in Bristol

Locations shown here are:

St. Stephen’s Street, St Stephen’s Avenue, Clare Street and Marsh Street

You can see more photos and video of set dressing and production set up from Tuesday 14 June here:

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