Bristol Education and SEND News

How Does This Work With Bristol Send Funding?

A parent contacted us to ask a question about Bristol Send Funding. Their child received Top Up funding from Bristol City Council, for having funding Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (Send). But the child was not benefiting from it because they have been ‘pushed out’ of the setting. We asked that Bristol City Council that question at People Scrutiny Commission at the end of September

Q1: Exactly how does the council retrieve money from education settings receiving high needs funding/top up funding when the child or young person is not attending because they have been ‘pushed out’? I’d like it answered with specific details regarding the process in place and reference the policy. If there is no process in place and the setting keeps that funding, please also state this. If you have no policy regarding this please also state that in your answer.

A: In respect of Element 3 (Top Up) funding, the finance team rely on both notifications, either internally or from the school or college, and monthly data consolidation. When the Local Authority is aware that a child or young person has left a particular educational institution, the finance element of the system is updated with an end date. If a period of overpayment occurs, then a retrospective adjustment is made to automatically recover any overpayment to the setting.

Independent non-maintained schools are paid by invoice typically a term in advance. If a child or young person leaves the placement between payment periods, the Local Authority will obtain a credit note processed through Bristol City Council’s finance system. In exceptional circumstances, we may raise an invoice to recover any overpayment; for example, on approach to the end of the academic year and all invoices are paid and there is no other placement at that establishment to use the credit against.

All transactions are processed in line with finance regulations and notification of ceasing funding is built into the SEND Assessment, Planning & Review Teams standard operating procedures.

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