Bristol News

REVIEW: Thomas and Friends TrackMaster Zip Zoom Logging Adventure from Fisher Price

The new Thomas and Friends Misty Island Rescue film, has spawned a range of train toys out just in time for Christmas.

There is unlikely to be a more complex train set than the Thomas and Friends TrackMaster Zip Zoom Logging Adventure from Fisher Price, waiting to be assembled this coming Christmas.

This tricky track of twists and turns, based on the film, is a strong sturdy item with plenty of play potential.

The box warns that adult assembly is required, but do not attempt to do this under pressure. A coffee, patience and spare hour is required to put this track together.

The track is a long one, around four and a half foot and a good area of space will be needed to lay it out.

Once up and running, the track provides plenty of play opportunity. It comes with a battery operated Thomas and truck which runs independently around the track. There are hills, a tree tunnel, a zip wire and a log mill.

Firstly, put every piece of track in numerical order, start with track number six and go to the left. Once assembled, Thomas and truck puffs around the track in splendid fashion.

The main object of play is for Thomas to collect a log, travel to the log mill, place the log onto a conveyor belt which is then moved to a saw and cut in half.

There is plenty of interaction required to make this happen, involving points, switches and flipping the right lever at the right time. Whilst the toy is suitable for children over the age of three years, little ones will need a coordinated adult to help them with the zip wire and log chopping.

In many ways, it is a very basic toy. It is literally a track and engine that is a step above the Take’n’Play series. But, this makes a refreshing change from toys that are very intelligent and talk to you all the time.

The toy’s unique point is the zip wire and relatively clever log mill, but best of all will be the hours of imagination that can come only from your own child as they voice their own Thomas adventure.

The track is not likely to break easily and most joyfully, only one AA battery is required to make the toy work.

For those parents who can’t go anywhere without a selection of the Take ‘n’ Play series, this track has not been designed to accommodate them, but, they will run around most of it to a degree.

There is an option of putting together a simplified track, but parents, come on, don’t cop out.  It does look slightly complicated, but as long as you can count to 18 it will come together, but do not lose the instructions.

Whilst no tools are required for track assembly, the item no parents can live without – the Phillips screwdriver will be needed to put in the battery.

Before purchasing additional engines to go with the set, check they are compatible first as some will not work with this toy.

Gemma Lewis tested out the Thomas and Friends Zip Zoom Logging Adventure, with her five-year-old son Felix and husband Mark.

Gemma says: “Felix saw this toy advertised on the television and aware that Christmas was on its way started his little I want this for Christmas campaign.

“Although it does look good on the television, adverts can sometimes make toys look better then they really are. When we were asked to review this toy for Chopsy Baby, we were delighted.

“We initially encountered a little difficulty making the log mill conveyor belt work, but with some strong words and wiggling of parts, we eventually succeeded.

“This is a fun toy for all fans of all things Thomas. Because it is specifically to do with Misty Island, it is best for a real Thomas fan rather than just as a randomly chosen train set gift.

“It is worth the price because the materials are good quality and there is plenty of play opportunity with it.

“I put the track together myself. It did take me about 45 minutes the first and second time, but I’m getting to grips with it more now.

“Thomas’ wheels actually power the conveyor belt which is really clever and helps Felix learn about the mechanics of engines.

“Felix adores it and chats away for hours voicing Thomas and the truck. It’s even worth getting some of the other characters to go with it.”

Ideal for both train loving boys and girls, the Thomas and Friends Zip Zoom Logging Adventure makes for an ideal ‘main’ Christmas present. It would be ideally coupled with a DVD copy of Misty Island Rescue.

Priced around £65
Suitable for children age three years upwards

Buy online at ELC:,default,pd.html?cm_mmc=PPC-_-Google-_-ProductExtentions-_-NA

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