Bristol SEND and Inclusion Strategy 2024-2028 Consultation
Bristol families can add their views to a new send and inclusion strategy for the city
If you want to take part in Bristol City Council’s latest Send strategy, you have until the 28 October 2024 to have your say.
The brand new Bristol SEND and Inclusion Strategy 2024-2028, sets out how the council’s partnership will ‘make things better for children and young people with SEND’.
The council says it has worked together in ‘partnership’ with its education, health and social care partners.
It has also worked with Bristol Parent Carers and The Listening Partnership – a group of 15 children and young people through WECIL.
The last Send strategy was published in 2019, valid until 2022, although failed to get to grips with the Bristol Send Crisis.
Bristol City Council is now asking for views on its new draft Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND) and Inclusion Strategy 2024-2028.
The council says: ‘The draft strategy sets out how our partnership will make things better for children and young people with SEND over the next four years. It is based on a self-evaluation we completed in 2023 using feedback from the partnership. We will continue to update it every year. The self-evaluation process helped us all understand what is going well and what needs improving.
‘Some of the things we propose to do are based on what children and young people with SEND and their parent carers have told us and some are required by law.’
The consultation is running until 28 October 2024. When the survey is closed, the council will ‘carefully’ consider the responses for their final strategy. This will then be included in a report to The SEND and Alternative Provision Executive Board.
For more information or to take part, visit:–m5M5Rrp20g0vT7PrsAbKMNtVd-V7va-5KrHttaUnw_aem_U41FDpsvnGCYzPUgpE-kzg
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